On the road from good neighbours to good partners

Jargal Defacto
Jargal Defacto 5.3k Views
8 Min Read

The natural resources buried underground are a great asset to Mongolia. Another asset that does not come second in terms of its importance is our geographical location. We have always talked about many mega projects and plans, and made the effort over the last ten years to become a bridge that links not only our two neighboring nations, but also two continents. However, almost every effort has dragged on for years and as a result, there is too little that has actually been done.

Since the presidents of Mongolia, Russia, and China have started meeting on a regular basis, there is more hope that the projects which are intended to turn our good neighbors into good partners will gain traction. The reports from the Xinhua News Agency on the recently held trilateral summit in Ufa, Russia, suggest that Xi Jinping, President of China, called on the governments of all three countries to promptly develop cooperation projects that are aligned with the agreement on Silk Road and development strategies. But Mongolians started posing in different directions to replace the government once again.

The only solid, promising project that would assist the country in becoming an economic corridor is the vertical road in the western region of Mongolia. Just before Naadam, I drove on this road and crossed the border to stay in Takeshiken port in China for one night before coming back through Khovd and Ulgii.


Mongolia has currently built two thirds of the 743km vertical road (Yarant-Khovd-Ulgii-Ulaan baishint) that connects the southern and northern borders. The road from Ulgii to the Russian border is already built. If a 635km long road is built, it will enable Karachi, Pakistan, and Novosibirsk, Russia, to be connected with a road 6,000km in length. If the construction work for the road that will stretch 635km commences, it will mean that the 4a section of the regional economic cooperation program signed in 1997 would finally be implemented. This program was initiated by ten countries and six development banks.

It is possible to drive on a highway from Khovd to Yarant port today, despite a total of 30km of road in two separate places having not seen the completion of paving yet. The government is expected to announce who won the tender to build a 190km road from Khovd to Ulgii this month. Important construction and development works such as this have always dragged on for many years without real work being done due to frequent changes in the government, ministries, and relevant decision-making bodies. 

One kilometre of road is estimated to cost 500,000 USD on average. One third of the total budget comes from the government of Mongolia, ten percent from the aid from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), 50 percent from ADB, and ten percent from a long-term, low interest loan acquired from the Exim Bank of China. The road will meet the requirements of Mongolia’s road standards and technical specifications. The width of lane, shoulder, and roadbed are 7, 1.5-2, and 10-11m respectively. The road will be able to be used at full capacity for 20 years, with an estimation of approximately 5,000 vehicles travelling on it per day until 2032.

70 percent of this road, which will cross the Altai Mountains and travel downward for 68km along the Bodonch canyons, is at the elevation of 2,000m. The construction work has geographical restraints such as canyons and a river. A 14km river diversion work has been completed. A total of 12 bridges, each 30 – 120 metres long (total length – 720m), have been built in Bodonch canyons.

It is evident that road rules must be followed strictly as the road has a lot of sharp turns and steep climbs. Road signs, boards, and reflective barriers were similar to infrastructure in developed countries.


Road is followed by development. The completion of this road will lay the foundations to put social and economic infrastructure in place to have international freight and passenger transportation travelling through Mongolia, build a strong system for customs services, and expand not only the international trade between Asian countries but also domestic trade and market. It will bring about positive impact on removing the isolation of western aimags from the global market, and help to relieve poverty in the region. Approximately 120 locals have been working on the construction of this road every year. In 2015, 215 people are employed.

The companies that are implementing the project are doing some work in local communities – Altai, Mankhan, and Must soums located along the road. They built water wells to create more permanent sources of drinking water, and provided training for the poor and for single mothers to grow vegetables in greenhouses. The companies are also organising training on road maintenance, which will be helpful for local employment after the construction work is completed. Cultural heritage items, including artifacts from the Bronze Age and tombs discovered during construction work, have been moved and stored appropriately in accordance with relevant laws.


The implementation of this project will create the basic conditions for Mongolia’s western region to see more socio-economic development. The improved road conditions will reduce the maintenance cost of vehicles (various mechanical parts, tires, etc). When a light vehicle travels on this road, 190 USD will be saved compared to the time when the road was not paved. For a truck, 334 USD will be saved. The road also shortens the travelling time by 50 percent, and could decrease the number of accidents.

Furthermore, herders will be able to travel to soum centres more quickly. It will become much easier for them to receive education, medical attention, and emergency support. In addition, the road will connect the markets of the western and central regions, which would enhance the circulation of goods exchange and increase local employment.

A specially designed stop for long distance drivers to rest has been constructed for the first time in Mongolia on this road. It offers local people many new business opportunities such as hotels, motels, diners and stores. However, it is apparent that there is a lot that needs to be done to put a good system in place for international freight and passenger transportation and customs services. The relevant organisations of Mongolia, Russia, and China might lack experience in this area.

If this road is completed and the western region is connected to the central power grid, Khovd, Bayan-Ulgii, and Uvs provinces will rapidly develop.In a hundred years’ time, Khovd town could develop into a large commercial and industrial hub, not only in the region but also internationally.


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