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The power of judicial review: distancing the courts from politics and ensuring law and order

In 2002, the Mongolian Parliament adopted two new laws to create a

Uyanga Delger Uyanga Delger

FM: Tokyo

Every time we travel abroad and hear people talk about our country,

Jargal Defacto Jargal Defacto

Cleaning up our mental model

Public discourse these days is still dominated by how MPs, cabinet ministers,

Jargal Defacto Jargal Defacto

Rara Avis

‘RARA AVIS’, which means ‘rare bird’ in Latin, is the title of

Jargal Defacto Jargal Defacto

Funds and their milkers

The media continues to publish stories backed up by evidence on how

Jargal Defacto Jargal Defacto

Counterfeit gasoline?

Mongolia had squandered one fifth of its export profit on petroleum products

Jargal Defacto Jargal Defacto

Economic freedom and “Rabbits club”

There is a volcanic archipelago, 150 kilometers away from the northwest shore

Jargal Defacto Jargal Defacto

Economic fever

In past few days, the Mongolian tugrik (MNT) has depreciated against the

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Russia that is close to us

Irkutsk is Russia’s largest city geographically near to Mongolia and has close

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The economics of natural gas favor Mongolia

President Kh. Battulga is back from his trip to Vladivostok, where he

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Existence of social order

The term ‘social order’ is used in two senses. In the first

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A crisis of trust

Today Mongolia is not only facing an economic crisis but also a

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