Raúl Delgado Concepcion

Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to Mongolia

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Арво Отт (Arvo Ott)

Executive Director At E-Governance Academy

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Инго Виедерхоффер (Ingo Wiederhofer)

Lead social development specialist at the World Bank

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Vinod Ahuja

Country representative, FAO, UN

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Кристофер П.Уильямс (Christopher P. Williams)

Senior director for anti-fraud and corruption at Millennium Challenge Corporation

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Фернандо Касал Бертоа (Fernando Casal Bertoa)

Associate professor at University of Nottingham

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Чарльз Монтин (Charles H. Montin)

Independent consultant on development of "Smart Regulation"

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Ли Пиль Рюү (Lee Pil-Ryul)

Professor, Department of culture and art, Korea National Open University

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Катерин Келм (Kathrine Kelm)

Senior Land Administration Specialist at World Bank Group

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Michal Klima

Professor at Metropolitan University Prague

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Кирил Кошик (Cyryl Koshyk)

Associate professor, the Kyoto College of graduate studies for informatics

Jargal Defacto Jargal Defacto