Mongolia’s great spiritual shift

Jargal Defacto
Jargal Defacto 23 Views
7 Min Read

During my journey to India to have an interview with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama for the “defacto” television program, I had always been thinking about how I could ensure that the great Dalai Lama, the living Buddha, bolsters the aspiration of Mongolians to have a prosperous life. I had an impression that, even though we have always discussed about making an economic and political transition for the last 20 years, a significant spiritual shift that is also taking place has been neglected. I would like to present you the summary of the interview that was done with the Dalai Lama about these transitions. It seems that it is only now that we are about to get out of this obscure spiritual mist.


My first question in the interview that took place in a hotel room was about the outcomes of Mongolia’s spiritual transition of 25 years being not evident enough. The main message in the Dalai Lama’s answer to this question was that Buddhism is gaining its momentum back and it is hard to eradicate the religion as seen from the history of countries such as China, Russia, and Mongolia that attempted without success to get rid of Buddhism and spirituality at different times in the past.

The Dalai Lama says that, when he visited Mongolia for the first time in 1979, it seemed that no one held any religious beliefs. However, when he met people one-on-one, the Dalai Lama could feel that they actually were religious.

However, the Dalai Lama continues saying that, although Mongolia has transitioned to capitalism and its people are acquiring modern education, many are measuring development with and being more attracted to material wealth. Everywhere there are many rich people who are living for tangible wealth and money. Nevertheless, as time goes by, people are coming to realize that their wealth does not bring inner peace. Those people who have realized that are seeking for the meaning of life rather than money and wealth.

The lifestyle and culture of Mongolians is inseparable from Buddhism. The Dalai Lama views that it is one of the unique features of Mongolians and will produce the greatest impact on the great spiritual shift.

In order to maintain our traditional value as we go through this historical shift, it is important to not only profess Buddha, but also promote the knowledge and education about why we hold such beliefs. Buddhist teachings are based on education, knowledge, and meaning behind everything. Therefore, Buddhist philosophy, especially Buddhist psychology, is technically regarded as a non-religious education. As it is an academic area rather than religious one, it can be used in our education system. This is one example of how we can link Buddhist teachings with the modern development. The Dalai Lama says that this is how a new level of spirituality can be achieved.


The society being built in Mongolia today can be called as democratic capitalism. My next question was focused on the Dalai Lama’s opinion on whether he agreed that this democratic capitalism is the best system among all that have ever been tried. He gave a much clearer and direct answer than what I expected.

The Dalai Lama says that democracy, as a political system, is the only path for the future of humanity. He explains that the true owners of the this world are the seven billion people living in it, not a political party, a religious leader, a king, or a queen. The people are always going to be there. Therefore, the Dalai Lama put an end to Tibet’s 400-year-old tradition in 2011 by retiring from being a political leader and fully freeing himself of political duties and responsibilities.

The Dalai Lama stressed that there should be a democratic system where the people choose their political leader, who has responsibilities before them. The people must be able to replace the leader if he fails to fulfill his responsibilities. He says that, despite the occasional few faults, democratic system is the best.

On the other hand, capitalism is the only system that gives an individual the freedom to fully realize one’s potentials and be as creative as one can be. The centrally planned economic system does not provide such opportunities and restricts one’s aspiration to create. However, the experiences of many developed countries demonstrate that a capitalist system should be regulated with independent institutions that passes laws, implements them, and monitors the implementation. The Dalai Lama says that it is not an easy job, but it could be done with joint efforts from the people.


I asked the Dalai Lama how this poison that diffused in Mongolia could be stopped. The Dalai Lama says that corruption is a cancer that is spread throughout the world. It can be stopped when there are educated people, healthy society, rule of law, independent judiciary system, and, most importantly, press freedom. Everything that is faulty and deceitful is concealed. It should be disclosed and informed to the public. This is how everything should be. Freedom can never be forgotten. The Dalai Lama says that these things can only exist in a society where there is freedom. However, one cannot misuse freedom. He says that it is extremely important to have press freedom and independent judiciary system.

At the end of our interview, the Dalai Lama said “Mongolia is a free country. Your economy is growing at a sufficient rate. Of course, there are difficult issues. But, generally, I see that your country is developing. Therefore, your country have a bright future ahead. However, development should not only be looked at from a materialistic angle, but also be linked with your inner spirituality. When that happens, Mongolians can have a truly happy, prosperous life.” 

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