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Augusto Pinochet

In 1960’s socialist idea spread dynamically in South America, and left forces

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Santiago of Chile is a city of 470 years history, stretching out

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Role of the government

Over the past fifty years, there have been no significant changes in

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New Strategy

Time has come to look back to past two decades when we

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Lost fund

Electors gave their votes during the 2009’ parliament elections in their hope

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Every time I go to Japan, I’m really impressed by their work-ethic.

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Sign of big debt

Last week, the first-ever Mongolian Economic Forum ended in Ulaanbaatar City. Like

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Double dzud (zud)

It has been a troublesome and challenging week of double zud –

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New Thinking

It is almost impossible not to highlight three important statements made last

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Risks on the Road

The only method the humankind created for today to prevent them from

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State pride

On the eve of the New Year, the head of the Tax

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Comparing Ulaanbaatar to Bishkek

I thought about where the country of Kyrgyzstan might be heading while

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