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Foreign language

We Mongolians are few. The only way we can multiply is through

Jargal Defacto Jargal Defacto

Ice home

There is an ice hotel in Japanese northern island of Hokkaido, which

Jargal Defacto Jargal Defacto

Why Forum?

Regular Mongolia Economic Forum is about to take place. What makes the

Jargal Defacto Jargal Defacto

Mongolia in 2020

How do you in these early days of 2011 imagine your homeland

Jargal Defacto Jargal Defacto


Аuditus is a Latin word meaning heard or accepted. In English language,

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The Armey’s Curve

The 2011 Budget of Mongolia has been approved, setting three records in

Jargal Defacto Jargal Defacto


President Elbegdorj has paid a visit to Japan. Japan and Mongolia has

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Democratized Corruption

The capital accumulation, an economic basis for capitalist system, is taking place

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Healthy Building

It has been many years since special inspection is carried to determine

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Fever-Affected Economy

Because banks’ loan interest rates had decreased almost two percents a year

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Right to Sleep

This is one of many things that were lost for residents of

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Counterfiet medications

“Mongolians used to be poisoned with foods, but now we are poisoned

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