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The wave of two billion – Risky, but profitable

The Minister of Economic Development, N.Batbayar and the Minister of Finance, Ch.Ulaan

Jargal Defacto Jargal Defacto

Choice and opportunity

(Summary of my speech delivered at the Australian National University, Canberra, November

Jargal Defacto Jargal Defacto

Zoljargal and Shirakawa

The presidents of both central banks of Mongolia and Japan are having

Jargal Defacto Jargal Defacto

When the maiden sail to financial ocean began

How much money do we need? In the country, where one third

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Roads Are The Mirror Of Development

Columbus Fund Metaphorically speaking, people who have not fully understood where they

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Is there a limit to external debt?

Government is borrowing money by issuing bonds to both foreign and domestic

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Defending the private sector

What did Mongolians have twenty years ago? Now look at what is

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Your children will pay for budget gap

As our coal exports have basically stopped and the “Dutch disease”is relapsing

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Roads Are The Key To Development

A country’s development is based on its roads. There is no single

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Naadam Deviated

Mongolia just celebrated its biggest national holiday. Mongolians have been celebrating Naadam

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Ten questions for parliamentary election candidates

You are competing in the parliamentary election of Mongolia. I am confident

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“Tyrannosaurus Bataar”: legalized Mongolian corruption

Mongolia is moving ahead in the world through its economic growth rate.

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