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Breaking the chain of corruption

Estonia has finally reached its goal, set 20 years ago, to become

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The reason for the halt in public transportation

Due to the fact that half of public transportation buses failed to

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Will Kissinger change his mind?

The 25th anniversary of the Reunification of East and West Germany took

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Opportunity to review the economy

Mongolia is facing another political and economic decline. The Asian Development Bank (ADB)

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​First-mobile world

The mobile phone, a marvelous device that is constantly developing thanks to

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Higher education – your investment

An individual first learns to read and write, acquiring a compulsory education

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Chance to Ascend from the Debt Trap

As a mining cycle travels towards a boom, foresighted nations tend to

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Mongolia trapped in debt

Jubilee Debt Campaign, an organisation that strives for breaking the chain of

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Potemkin villages

In 1787, the Russian Empress Catherine II embarked on a long journey

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Tale of three monkeys: Political parties conspiring to pardon corrupt criminals

The parliament has started granting pardons. Last week they passed a law on

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Interim bureaucrats

Following the decision from the National Consultative Committee of the Democratic Party,

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On the road from good neighbours to good partners

The natural resources buried underground are a great asset to Mongolia. Another

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