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A mindset on life support

In 2006, when Columbia University’s Professor Edmund Phelps accepted the Nobel Memorial

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Erdenet’s 49 percent stake is private ownership

In a democracy with a free market, the government is accountable for

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How the Japanese see Mongolia

Investors need a strong reason to be attracted to foreign investment. Investors

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All the nations in the world can be likened to ships sailing

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Whistleblowing culture

It has been exactly 70 years since Winston Churchill stated, “Democracy is

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Cashier for politicians

Mongolia is the only country where a bank loan is paid by

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Strayed transition

In democracies, ruling power is transferred to political parties through elections. If

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Power or economy?

It seems like the world sees Mongolia as a bankrupt country that

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25 years of loans and aid

Twenty-five years ago Mongolia’s economy was fully dependent on the Soviet Union.

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Stopping tugrug decline

Exchange rates for a currency are determined in relation to the rates

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Make in India

I landed at Indira Gandhi International Airport in the early hours of

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Anomalous democracy in Mongolia

Capitalism can be referred to as a social system based on an

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